What Do Bearded Dragons Like to Play With
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What Do Bearded Dragons Like to Play With

Feb 11, 2024

What Do Bearded Dragons Like to Play With?

Bearded dragons are popular reptile pets known for their docile nature and unique appearance. While they may not be as interactive as cats or dogs, they still thrive on mental stimulation and require some form of play to keep them healthy and happy. So, what do bearded dragons like to play with?

1. Basking Areas: Bearded dragons are naturally drawn to basking spots where they can soak up warmth from heat lamps or sun. Providing different basking areas with various textures, such as rocks or branches, allows them to climb, explore, and bask in different positions.

2. Hiding Spots: Bearded dragons appreciate having hiding spots in their enclosure. These can be in the form of caves, hollow logs, or even artificial plants. These hiding areas mimic their natural habitat and provide a sense of security for your pet.

3. Climbing Structures: Bearded dragons are known to be excellent climbers. Adding branches or rocks of various sizes and textures allows them to exercise and explore different heights in their enclosure. Ensure that the structures are securely placed to avoid any potential accidents.

4. Mirrors: Bearded dragons are curious creatures, and a mirror can provide entertainment for hours. Place a small, unbreakable mirror in their enclosure and watch as they interact with their reflection. However, it’s important not to leave the mirror in the enclosure for too long, as prolonged exposure may stress the dragon.

5. Toys: While bearded dragons may not play with toys in the same way as cats or dogs, they can still enjoy certain objects. Small balls, soft stuffed animals, or even chew toys specifically designed for reptiles can provide some entertainment and mental stimulation.

6. Digging Boxes: Bearded dragons naturally love to dig, and providing a designated digging box filled with non-toxic, reptile-safe substrate, such as sand or soil, can be a great source of enrichment. They enjoy burrowing and digging around, mimicking their natural behavior.

7. Food Puzzles: Bearded dragons are foragers in the wild, and introducing food puzzles in their enclosure can be a fun way to engage them mentally and physically. Puzzle feeders or hiding insects in various spots can encourage natural hunting behaviors and keep them active.

8. Hand Interaction: Bearded dragons can form a bond with their owners through gentle handling and interaction. Slowly stroking their back, chin, or under their chin can be soothing for them. However, it’s important to approach them calmly and avoid sudden movements to prevent stress.

9. Nature Sounds: Bearded dragons can be stimulated by sounds from their natural environment. Playing nature sounds, such as birds chirping or gentle rain, can create a more engaging and calming atmosphere for your pet.


1. Can I use household objects as toys for my bearded dragon?While some household objects may seem suitable, it’s essential to ensure they are safe and non-toxic. Avoid objects with small parts that can be swallowed or sharp edges that may harm your pet.

2. Is it necessary to provide toys for bearded dragons?While not as crucial as for cats or dogs, providing toys and enrichment for bearded dragons helps stimulate their minds, prevent boredom, and promote overall well-being.

3. Can bearded dragons play with other pets?It’s generally not recommended to let bearded dragons play with other pets. They have different needs, and interactions may lead to stress or injury for either pet.

4. How often should I rotate toys in my bearded dragon’s enclosure?Regularly changing and rotating toys can prevent boredom and maintain their interest. Introduce new toys or rearrange the existing ones every few weeks.

5. Can bearded dragons watch TV?While bearded dragons may show some interest in the movement and sounds from a TV, it’s not a necessary form of entertainment for them. Avoid loud or sudden noises that may startle or stress your pet.

6. Can I let my bearded dragon roam freely outside of its enclosure?Supervised out-of-enclosure time can be beneficial for exercise and mental stimulation. However, ensure the area is safe, secure, and free from hazards or toxic plants.

7. Are there any DIY toy ideas for bearded dragons?Yes! You can create DIY toys by using natural materials like branches, rocks, or even cardboard boxes with holes for them to explore. Just ensure that the materials are safe and non-toxic.

8. Will my bearded dragon get bored of playing with the same toys?Bearded dragons may lose interest in toys after a while, so it’s important to offer a variety of toys and rotate them regularly to prevent boredom.

9. Can I play fetch with my bearded dragon?While bearded dragons may not understand or engage in games like fetch, you can gently roll a small ball towards them, mimicking a form of play and stimulating their curiosity.

In conclusion, while bearded dragons may not have the same play preferences as cats or dogs, they still enjoy interaction and mental stimulation. Providing a variety of toys, climbing structures, and enrichment activities will keep them entertained, happy, and healthy. Remember to always prioritize your pet’s safety by choosing non-toxic materials and supervising playtime.